Metaalverklikkers in Suid Afrika op KWELA 26/6/2022

Nog ‘n mylpaal in die suksesverhaal van die Historiese Metaalverklikkers Suid -Afrika en Lukas van der Merwe, ook bekend as die Generaal van Metaalverklikkers in Suid -Afrika! Dit was ‘n kwessie van tyd voordat die aandag van die media op dié Legende van Metaalverklikkers en die Metaalverklikker-museum gevestig sou word. Kwela, ‘n joernaal program van…

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treasure detecting

Treasure Talk 1997

Here we will periodically share articles and extracts from the Treasure Talk Magazine to give you a look into the beginning and development of the hobby of treasure detecting in South Africa.  You will be introduced to the individuals, metal detectors and the businesses that played a role from then to now. TREASURE TALK DECEMBER…

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SA Treasure

Here we will periodically share articles and extracts from the SA Treasure Magazine to give you a look into the beginning and development of the hobby of treasure detecting in South Africa.  You will be introduced to the individuals, metal detectors and the businesses that played a role from then to now. The first issue…

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